Monday, March 01, 2004


This is the first time in years I can actually say I got a great night's sleep! I was exhausted, as usual, last night, but instead of staying up late anyway, the baby and I went to bed at 9pm. Either she slept all through the night, or I was just dead to the world, but I slept steady until about 5:30 when she woke up with a temperature. Mrs. C. got her some Tylenol and I held her for awhile. When I'm awakened like that, I don't go back to sleep easily. I'll usually turn on my portable radio to a talk station because that will often do the trick. There's nothing like useless chatter to knock a guy out cold. But this morning nothing would work. I actually listened to the talk show. I guess I just couldn't believe I'd gotten enough sleep--I never get enough--but apparently I had. So I listened to talk about Howard Stern and The Passion for an hour and a half. Those were the only two topics they talked about the whole time. I finally couldn't listen anymore and got out of bed laughing my head off when a caller asked, "Why didn't Mel Gibson shoot the movie in English instead of French? It's so confusing that way. I can't keep up with it."

I actually, really, truly, feel good this morning. Can you believe it? A lot of it has to be the sleep, but I must say, laughter in the morning is the right way to start the day.

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