Saturday, August 30, 2003

Walking to Work

It's Saturday and I'm at work. I'm babysitting the stage production going on and working on the video with Dennis. I'm absolutely beat because of the way I got to work. Last night, I had Dennis drop me off at my house and I went downstairs and played on the computer for awhile. When I came upstairs at 10:30, Mrs. C. had that perturbed look she sometimes gets. I thought it was because I was playing on the computer. Turns out, she'd lost the key to the car and she didn't know how I was going to get to work this morning. We looked and looked but no key. At 11:30, I decided my only option was to walk to work. I've done it before, in the middle of winter, so I could do it at night. She didn't want me to, but I saw no other way. I didn't want to walk either. It's 8.3 miles and it was the middle of the night. But I had committed to working and I had to be here to let the production company in the building. So, after a minor scuffle, I began walking. It was actually pretty fun. I love being outside at night. It's cool and mysterious and solitary. The road I took goes through a long stretch of barren desert and the darkness took away the ugliness of it. I had my tape player with me and I finished Crichton's Eaters of the Dead. After that I listened to talk radio. Around the fifth or sixth mile I began to experience a strange sense of euphoria and increased energy. I was even dancing a little to keep my under-used and atrophied muscles loosened up. Today, as I sit here, they're tightening into little knots. The trip took me 2 and a half hours. My wife just called a second ago. She found the key. It's in the diaper bag.

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