Sunday, December 28, 2003

After the Holiday

It's that inbetween time, the time between Christmas and New Year's that eases the pain of Christmas having come and gone so quickly with me not being prepared yet again. In there somewhere (tomorrow, in fact) is also my wife's birthday, another day for me to prove to her how uncaring, unthoughtful, and forgetful I can be, having not got her a present. Birthdays and anniversaries don't seem to be that important to her but I still feel terrible. I'm afraid she'll never know how much I adore her because I'm lousy at magically knowing what gift or act of kindness would light up her life.

Christmas was satisfying for me though. We got a lot of stuff that I'm pretty excited about. I know that's not what's important but it feels good anyway. Now we're in that clean up phase, much like after a move: There are still boxes and things that need a place to live (or die, in the case of the garbage). It will be nice when we get it all done and can stride into the new year in a clean house.

I'm up late because Rufflebutt woke me up and I can't get back to sleep. I'm facing a huge work day tomorrow after taking the week off, a daunting prospect. To top it off, I have new responsibilities now. I'm am writer/producer for a new show that will soon begin airing in several states twice a week. Daunting doesn't begin to describe that. The deadlines are going to be murder. And did I say this responsibility is in addition to those I already have? I don't deal well with this kind of pressure. We'll see what happens.

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