Friday, April 02, 2004

Get'R Done!

First I want to say, Amen!, just leave it to the professionals, honey.

OK. As predicted, the edit session sucked. But at least I can look forward to working on it all day tomorrow, which should be my day off, and then three full days next week as well as a week from tomorrow. And then there are the facts that they're still not very prepared, my co-worker shut off the computer, zapping into the nether regions much of the photoshop work I (stupid, stupid, stupid!) neglected to save, and everyone keeps complaining that "There's not enough time! There's not enough time! The banquet's on the 12th!" So it's been really, really fun.

So to ease the pain, everyone in my department came into the editbay after the edit and we watched the Blue Collar Comedy Tour and laughed our butts off. Mine's still off. I haven't been able to reattach it. I could use some help.

Last night, I taught my boys how to play backgammon. At first they didn't like it. But now, my eight year old has beaten me twice (really--I didn't let him win). Now he loves it. He tries to get me to play all the time.

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