Wednesday, September 03, 2003


Thanks for asking about Princess Rufflebutt, Busy Mom. She seems to be doing a lot better now. She's a little wheezy still and I've heard her sneeze once. But she's been awake and playing for awhile. Everyone seems to be better but me. Now I'm getting it.

The other day I drove up to Idaho to see the van that we would eventually buy and my father inlaw took me to see his corn and what he'd caught in the raccoon traps. We drove up to the cornfield and there they were, two skunks. They'd been there for a few days but he didn't knwo how to get rid of them without setting them off. That would ruin him and his corn. They looked so pitiful--starving and dry. They still had enough energy to start when we got near them. I went back a couple of days later to get the van and I asked about the poor creatures. He said they were gone. A friend of his covered the traps in plastic and carried them away from the field. When he did, they both let go with their squirt guns. Most of the stench was contained but both men got it, even my father inlaw who'd been thirty feet away. He said their wives weren't very happy with them. After his friend released the skunks, one by one, they each ran and he got them with his shotgun. It probably has to be done in that situation, but all they were after was a little corn.

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