Tuesday, September 09, 2003


She's waking up. I don't mean from sleep. She's starting to become a person. Last night, when it was time for me to go to sleep and her to be wide awake, I was holding her in my lap, watching her wide, dark eyes. For the first time, those eyes looked at me without drifting away, and I could tell she was actually looking at me, taking me in. As a test, I began swaying back and forth and she followed my every movement to the point, even, of turning her head to get a better view. I made little noises and smiled and I swear she was trying to smile back. It was a wonderful moment of bonding with my new little girl.

This is kind of cool: Take a look at this site in German.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh...I love the title of this posting! You have to check out www.RuffleButts.com!

The first few months are such an amazing experience. Enjoy every moment!