Monday, September 22, 2003


I have so many plans. Scratch that. I have so much I want to do, but my ADD-ridden brain stops short of coming up with any plans. I go to work and work is so slow that I figure I can sit down with my notebook and formulate some plans. But when that notion comes to mind, I get a queazy feeling and all motor function shuts down and I sit there, paralyzed, until I tell my brain it's ok, that it can go back to surfing the net or watching a movie. I think I have come up with so many interests so that I don't have to do any real work, like plan my life. I could go on. But this is one of the my excuses...writing here. I need to get busy planning. I'll continue this later.

P.S. If you get me one of these, I'll be your friend for life!

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