Friday, June 27, 2003

I've been out for awhile, for various reasons. But now, Blogger's back, I got a new comments service, and I actually have something to write about....well, not really, but I'll write anyway.

I'm not one who really believes in omens or signs, but somewhere in the back of my mind, I've held the notion that when themes or things are repeated, it could foretell something. I mean, who knows. For instance I've had several experiences where throughout the day I'll keep mistaking strangers for someone I know, and then, that someone will show up. Lately a storm theme has been recurring. We are experiencing a drought here in Utah, but this week we were all quite hopeful when an unexpected and lengthy rainstorm put us over the normal amount of rainfall for June. It comes nowhere close to relieving our water troubles, but it was nice just the same. Then yesterday I got into a discussion with my boss and several other employees about golfball-sized hail, and I told about a guy I knew whose car was irreparably pummelled in such a hailstorm. That night, not having cable and not wanting to wade through the summer crap that's on network tv, we turned to PBS and watched a rather bleak special on wild weather. We watched video of lighting, hailstorms, tornados, and meteorites. We both went to bed with in a dismal mood, having just been told that we're due to be hit by a large comet or asteroid that will probably lay waste to the entire human race. Then this morning before I left for work, I went down to see what the kids were watching. It was Reading Rainbow (love that show!) and they were reading a wonderfully illustrated book about a southern flood. After the reading they talked about hail-damage to cars and showed video of windshields being put out in a storm. I'm not looking for all this to be portentious, but it is kind of odd.

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